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Account Opening Form

Account Opening Form

Guidelines for Digital Onboarding

How to create trading account?

Insert the following to register yourself for Email Authentication Code

  1. Email Address
  2. Password
  3. Re-Type Password
  4. A code will be sent on your registered email address check & verify email code

After registration client will login with the same login ID/Password and a window will appear with the following tabs

  1. Form for New Customer
  2. Form for KYC
  3. Form for Already UKN

Step 1:

Fill the Basic Information & submit it for OTP from NCCPL

  1. Account Holder Name (should be entered as per CNIC/SNIC/NICOP/POC)
  2. Email address
  3. Residential Status (Resident/Non-Resident)
  5. CNIC Number (CNIC Number field must be in digit only)
  6. Issue Date (CNIC/SNIC/POC/NICOP Issue date must be less than system/calendar date)
  7. Registered Mobile Number (should be 11 digits only)
  8. IBAN Number (IBAN Number must be of length 24)
  • Once the form is submitted by the client, the broker will generate the OTP.
  • The OTP once received by the client shall be verified by the broker.

Step 2:

After verifying OTP, the client will fill up the following;

  1. Expiry Date (Expiry must be current or after system date/incase of lifetime selected expiry must be null)
  2. Bank Name (length should be not more than 40 characters)
  3. Select Account Type (Normal Account/Sahulat Account)
  4. Father/Husband Name
  5. Date of Birth
  6. Place of Birth
  7. Nationality
  8. Marital Status (Single/Married)
  9. Gender
  10. Mother Name
  11. Mailing Address (Split in 3 lines; mentioned special characters are allowed only (# * , . / ))
  12. Permanent Address (Split in 3 lines; mentioned special characters are allowed only (# * , . / ))
  13. Occupation details (in case of “other” selected length should be not more than 50 characters)
  14. Annual Income
  15. Zakat status (Muslim Zakat Deductible/Non-Deductible/Not Applicable)
  1. Attach relevant documents in (jpg, jpeg, png – max size 400kb) and click on Submit
  2. The broker will submit the form to EClear for verification
  3. EClear will verify the details of the client and will push the form to NCCPL via API for further processing.

Note: OTP will be sent to the account holder’s phone number in case the client is a Resident Pakistani & if Non- Resident, it will be sent via email by NCCPL.

For details of Online Account Opening Response Code, please visit the link below https://www.psx.com.pk/psx/files/?file=160535-1.pdf

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